Kiana - Ch. Marlord's Cover Page, RA, CD ROM
Doberman Pinscher Bitch - Black & Rust - DOB 4/8/98
OFA - Good, Thyroid - Normal, Elbows - Normal, vWD - Affected

Kiana completed her American Championship on 7/4/01.
On 6/8/02 she earned her Working Aptitude Certificate (WAC)
On 10/27/02 she earned her Companion Dog (CD) title and Registry of Merit (ROM)
She also has 8 points towards her Canadian Championship and 2 legs towards her CD

Ch Carosel Make My Day

Ch Julmar's Siboney

Ch Agape's Lion of Judah

Ch Zeitlin's Rogue Force V Kerri

Miss Heidi's Kimcan

Ch Marienburg Comanche Firebird

Marienburg's Sun Hawk CD

Ch Marienburg's Apache Firebird

Carosel Moodmaker King Hill

Ch Cabra's Dark and Debonaire

Ch Schauffeleins Revised Edition

Patton's Courtesan

Ch Carosel N the Mood of King Hill

Ch Marienburg's Sun Hawk CD

Ch Carosel In The Spotlight CD ROM

Ch Manix's Run For Cover

Ch Ravenswoods Rain Man V Aquarius

Ch Primary Caught Redhanded

Ch Brunswig's Cryptonite

Ch Beaulane Every Nite Josephine

Ch Aquarius Gold Dust V Kansa

Dexter von Franckenhorst

Ch Kansa's High Powered

Ch Mannix's Yes I Can

Ch Kansa's High Caliber

Ch Cabra's Dark and Debonaire

Matson's Siegreich Brunhilde

Ch Pamelot's Scandal of Holly-Ky CD

Ch Pamelots' Anthony

Can Ch Alisaton Kinder Vintage

CH. MarLord's Cover Page RA, CD, ROM